Sunday, August 5, 2007

MAC to the rescue

(this is from Todd's Point, NOT island beach, but i didn't have my camera yesterday, so deal)

we went to the beach today. hadn't been in a while, and i used to be somewhat of a sun goddess in my day. i mean, girlfriend had a system of when to turn, what SPF to put where, i was money...
now i'm just happy being a goddess.
i digress.
so my friend anne, lindsey, jon, his girlfriend and I all piled onto the island beach ferry and headed out for a day in the sun. the girls had pre-packed huge liters of lemonade and vodka, beers, et al. and i was PUMPED.
the island was pretty and quiet and i thought nothing of slathering on some 30 with plans to amp it up to 15 or GASP even 8 later on in the day.
siping our bevvies and listening to our ipods (had stolen some of lindsey' s music earlier in the day as she's a new music prodigy) we had it made.
it was a beautiful day. i was having a blast.
took an early ferry after much procrastinating into town and headed to my parents' house. when i got home showered and got dressed for dinner (in the 06830 we dine at 5:30), i noticed a bit of a reddish glow beaming back at me.
as the evening wore on i noticed it everywhere i was certain i had applied sunscreen.
what the---?
only realized after searching frantically for my beach bag that my SPF was DOA. it was from my trip to israel almost 2 years ago.
now, thanks to MAC, my face won't be splotchy, but my ego is definitely still burned.

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