Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Klum Schmoom

...ok, you done oogling Heidi's goodies?
because in 13 days, from the neck down (ok, maybe from the ribcage down) I will also have those goodies.
My friend Heather and I are working out with David Kirsch, the workout guru to the stars and their asses.
He has a strict plan wherein you do 45 minutes of cardio a night, every night for 2 weeks with 45-15 minute cardio workouts (each focusing on a different dysfunctional area) on rotation.
Last night was our first night with the master, (ok the master's book), and I have to tell you I am thrilled. It was amazing and despite fits of uncontrollable laughter at my lack of stability on the STABILITY ball, I could do the exercises and I think we got a great workout.
...only 13 more nights to go.


Anonymous said...

Puhleez! Klum ain't all that...and she has the IQ of a flower pot. You on the other hand...

Roberta Oster Sachs said...

Sarah - David Kirsch is fabulous! He was the trainer/guru at my pre-wedding womens' weekend at my friend Carolynn Rockafellow's house in Southampton. David and his team prepared all the food, organized daily activities and whipped us into shape. And he took photos. Lots of my NBC friends were there -it was great. please send him my best. It's a small world cousin. I can't believe you are working out with him - you lucky duck.