Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Klum in Hebrew is the word for NOTHING! (seriously)

(prop styling by Miss. Heather D)

This morning makes 9 days that darling, adorable Heather and I have been sweatin’ to David Kirsch’s complicated sweat IN MY EYE inducing workouts. Basically we feel good. Maybe I am speaking for myself here, but I am not seeing the KLUMIFICATION I was hoping (praying for).

Things are tighter and the workouts are getting easier, and I think I almost felt a runner’s high the other night, but am currently living Klum-free.

Maybe miraculously on day 14 I will wake up at 3am with a sexy hot Klum-like body in my bed and wake up to find that HOLY CRAP, that's ME...I am that supermodel!

(will keep you updated)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Im confused. I thought that WAS Heidi Klum in the photo to the right. My mistake. ;-)