Wednesday, August 8, 2007

...and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

There’s got to be a better way. Seriously. They can't put a sign at the entrance to the subway so you don't waste your money and time going downstairs? They know there's a delay or a shut down, why is it hard to procure a sharpie and a piece of paper?

Too much to ask?

I woke up this morning early to take a little run in the rain (my favorite) and got home in time to move my car and lose my Metro Card. Was listening to NPR in the shower (shamelessly I may add) and heard that the 2,3 lines were not running from Brooklyn. Ok, no problem I
take the A, C anyway. Grab a coffee and head down the escalator with my new shiny (put in my wallet right away) Metro Card. Mid way on the super steep escalator about to sip my delicious coffee, I slip. Grabbing onto the sides for dear life I narrowly escape falling but watch as my morning’s coffee plummets. I grab onto the railings so fast and hard that I bruise the undersides of my arms and they’re starting to swell, am sure they’ll be purple by the time I get to the office. People passing me on the way up say nothing except “oooh” and “wow” yeah. Thanks. So I go downstairs to see 6 people deep waiting for the train. I sit in the Bikram-yoga-esque heat for about 35 minutes get on the C train and exhale.

A little too soon.

The driver must have been asleep because somewhere under the East River he stopped short announcing that there was a car in front of us.

Coffee is sliding by my feet and people are hemming and hawing. We arrive at West 4th to be told that the C is now an express train, which means I have to transfer. At 14th, I wait another 25-30 minutes for the local and get off at 23rd. I get upstairs and the streets are empty so I run to grab coffee #2.

Am the 2nd person in line at Dunkin Donuts and am thrilled at my change in luck. Only this Israeli guy (am a huge fan) is ordering what seems like one of every donut and is also on his cell phone. Literally it was taking forever. So I wait for a break in his conversation and order my iced coffee. He looks at me, puts his phone down and says, “ehhhh, I am first in line here lady.” LADY!?

I turn to him and bark in my broken Hebrew “WHAT? I am not your LADY, and I want coffee too you jerk, so do all the people behind me…can you see how many there are? That’s because you’re on your phone and not getting out of my way.” My coffee arrived, I grabbed it and put the money down and left.

I waited for the bus for a good 15 minutes, squeezed myself on and got to work. The building is deserted, and the office is empty. I’ve only now learned that the subway was crippled by the rain as well as Metro North. Really?! CRIPPLED? How is that possible? 2” of rain shut the city down? Dude, forget CNN, we need to be watching the weather channel.

That rain can shut down NYC is beyond ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

You shoulda stood in bed, if you ask my humboldt opinions.

sarah emily said...

I couldn't agree more! Would have been the best idea.