Monday, May 19, 2008

Leggo my Eggo

I got farm-fresh eggs today at work. Very exciting.

Turkey and about 3 variety of chicken, cannot wait for my morning scramble. We were alloted 4 each, but I built a pyramid scheme wherein I ended up with almost a dozen.

I could not be more excited. Here's a blue egg from one of the Araucana Hens. I know you can’t see in the pic but they are gorgeous.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

le sigh*

As you know, I kinda like me some Goldblum , so my brother sent this to me all the way from stinky France, it's a clip of the lovable, ever-intriguing, uber masculine, Jeff G. Feast your ears on this jewel:

Friday, May 9, 2008


My adorable brother...kind of weird that there are NO other people or cars, but hey, he's still cute. Nice hair, eh?!

Check out his photos on flickr...(click here)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Le Petit Prince

I could not be more happy for the kid. Seriously, I see his pictures and I am thrilled that he's having such a good time.

check out his trip....