Thursday, June 2, 2011

My baby won't eat--Coxsackie isn't just a town upstate.

Today I decided to take the babe to the pediatrician as he suddenly wasn't eating the Smorgasbord of finger foods I had chopped, sliced and diced like an Iron Chef.

After only a few moments of examining him, the doctor asked if I had ever heard of Coxsackie Virus. I'd read the books and hadn't remembered seeing that anywhere. "Hand, food and mouth disease" he corrected.

Oh yeah, I'd read all about that. But S was only mildly fussy and had no fever or copious drooling. After looking at the back of his throat, it was diagnosed that he was on the mend and the 5-day bug was on the way out of his system.'s hoping he'll be feeling much better. Wanted to post this in case your baby might not be eating for the same reason. Apparently it's really going around.

Perfect summer baby outfit: FOUND!

(image from

I've mentioned before that I love Carters, but here I go again.

Last weekend I bought a couple of these rompers for my tiny little romper and I love them. They're lightweight, sleeveless, are easy to open (can you say SNAPS?!) and are super cute.

This my friends, is the PERFECT summer outfit for little boys. I am obsessed with them and you can check them out at the Carter's site right now during their HUGE sale!

Don't say I didn't warn you...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My baby won't eat!!! My solution: finger foods

Last Friday, I got a call from my son's day care. He only ate his cheese cubes and cheerios and wouldn't eat his breakfast OR his lunch. First of all, why did they wait to call me after he'd skipped TWO meals?

Moving on...

I called my amazing pediatrician who mentioned he'd probably like to feed himself and didn't want the mushy food I'd made the night before. Hmmmm...a new stage? Bring it on.

When he got home that night, I had cut up Kiwis, Muenster cheese, Bananas, turkey, roasted squash and had it ready to roll.

I added a dollop of Labne cheese on his tray (for the fun of eating with his hands) and it was a HUGE success. HUGE.

Of course it was really really REALLY messy, but quite successful. He ate dinner!

After his bath that night I felt like I had won a small battle and was ready for anything!

Online sales...better than in stores? But why?

(gratuitus shot I know, but he's wearing Carter's!)

Last weekend I was in Connecticut visiting my parents and I went to Old Navy and Carter's (two of my FAVORITE stores) to get a few baby summer essentials.

Old Navy always has great sales online and in stores so I peeked at some t-shirts and shorts for me. They were marked down to $7!!!

The exact same stuff is online for $19.50. Now I know that stores have to clear inventory differently than their web counterparts, but come ON. Couldn't they also have huge web clearances and the stores could send their merch to the site?