Saturday, October 4, 2008

More Israeli Genius

Ok, so maybe you don't like tolls.

But popsicles? you like those? Here in Israel they have these popsicles, called "shlookeem" and I am obsessed with the packaging.

You have a colored plastic tube and a pinched center. when you take it out of the freezer you break it in half and you have two! AND....AND, little kids can eat it without a mess.

Brilliant. Also, it comes sans color, so the kids choose the tube color and there is none to wear, only to eat.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Ok, so I love Israel. Ain't no surprise.

But I am constantly thrilled by discoveries when I am here. For example, the other day we were driving on highway 6.

For those of you who know, keep quiet.

Instead of "easy pass" and congestion from ill-equipped toll booths, guess what they do here?!

There is only one toll road in all of Israel. To take it, you have to have and "easy pass" like type of device. Because instead of a toll booth, they have the above bridge-like contraption. It scans your pass at whatever speed you are traveling and charges your account. Don't have a pass? They send you a bill.


It is so efficient, seriously. No lines, no fumbling for cash. Please save the Big Brother crap for someone who cares. *NEWSFLASH* they are already watching you. Why not skip the line at the toll booth, skip that jerk that will inevitably cut you off at the last minute cause he's in the wrong lane? Come on people....make your life a little easier.

Next post...I'll introduce you to the wonders of "Sponga".

Saturday, September 27, 2008


(a photo from 3 years ago, but you get the general idea...yes?)

After what has been a rather tumultuous few months, I am completely at peace. Things tend to get a little out of your control once in a while, blogs go unwritten, friends' emails unanswered, and for that I apologize.
I am missing a lot, I know. Trader Joe's opened in Brooklyn Heights (sorry Sahadi's), Sarah Palin was interviewed by Katie Couric (some might say horrifically), my least favorite Iranian was at the UN, people in cubicles (no telling where) obsessed over minutia.
I will post more when I can upload all of my photos. Roy and I got back from a road trip to Maine and Nova Scotia not too long ago, so I will start with those.
For today, you'll have to make due with this slightly (read VERY) old photo. Doin' the same stuff, just with slightly shorter hair.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Javier Bardem of the feline world

This cat makes it so hard to hate him, even though he makes me SNEEZE ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

Wherever I go, he follows me. Mews when I look his way, snuggles up next to me at every opportunity.

This morning, I got back from the gym and he jumped into his new spot behind the couch in the window sill.

I like it when he sits there. It's like he's my bodyguard.

Tour of the Subway?!

They had this really cool thing today in Brooklyn. I should have made a reservation.

They were giving a tour of the Atlantic Avenue Subway tunnel today, and I missed it. How could I have known?

Will have to make a reservation for September, cause I am totally going. LOOK at these pictures!

top shelf

Spent the day with my lovely friend Cordelia. We were on a mission, ok, I was on a mission.

I rented a ZipCar, and we headed to the new IKEA in Brooklyn. After that, we headed to Fairway Market in Red Hook.

We got a little lost on the way to pick up the car (a BRAND new Subaru Outback --300 miles on it), but it didn't damper our spirit.

At IKEA I needed to pick up a few things (had a list), and we dined on my favorite meatballs with gravy.

Did I mention you can see the STATUE OF LIBERTY from the cafeteria?
At Fairway we got a little lost, but Cordelia was my rock, she helped me stay on task and sane. I am lucky to have her.

When we got back to my apartment to "assemble" some of the pieces I purchased, and we realized that IKEA doesn't include a few of the major parts I needed.

We drove back to IKEA stood in line, negotiated our way through and got what we needed.
Still haven't fully put it all together, perhaps Cordelia will help me this week before Roy returns from Central America.

I could always do it myself.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cat in a hot Brooklyn apartment

The cat (Mr. Jack, to his friends) was very hot today and yesterday. He's been laying around like a slug on the kitchen floor.

So I soaked him.

Now, that sounds crazy. Cats hate water, right? WRONG-O.

I held Jack as I gently took cool water in my hand and slowly brought it to his body, gently wetting him on his neck, belly, back of his head and arms and legs. He was stoic and perhaps I may have confused his gracious behavior for enjoyment, when I am sure Roy will say he was being polite and hated every second of it.

I secretly think he loved it. He's so much cooler now. I really think he digged it.

long legs, or short legs?

Went to see Mama Mia yesterday, and spotted some very strange bikes at the bike rack. I normally wouldn't have stopped to check them out, but it takes me so damn long to "tie up" my bike that, well...I had the time.

Here they are, for your viewing pleasure.

Are the riders really tall or really short with a hell of a ladder?

Uncovering more bruises

Yellow and blue...
lovely shades of green and purple...

Maybe it's hard to see the plethora of bruises that have surfaced since my fall Friday, but they're slowly surfacing in all the colors of the rainbow.


Friday, July 18, 2008

First day with the new legs

I've fallen AGAIN down the escalator at High Street Station.

You may or may not remember that I’ve already done this. In fact, it was almost a year to the day that I did this.

Roy is currently in Guatemala at lake Atitlan (apparently the most beautiful place on earth. *sigh). Much like last summer when he was traveling, I’ve fallen into a schedule that is fast-paced and, distracted by my itinerary, I.FALL.DOWN.ALOT.

I am not sure what this means, or if it in fact, means anything. But it’s fucking annoying.

This morning was much scarier than last summer. I actually tumbled down the stairs. I have the stripes (or teethmarks) to prove it.

I’m safely bandaged up now, cleaned and ready for more adventures. Perhaps I’ll take the stairs this time.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Shrop

I've recently reconnected with one of my best friends from growing up. We were very close--and apart from a singular incident where she let me cut her hair ( I think we were 12)--its been smooth sailing.

After seeing her for the first time in 15 years last week, its safe to say it felt as if no time has passed.

She's still amazing, talented, smart, funny and strong. I feel very lucky that we've reconnected and excited to have her back in my life.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Leggo my Eggo

I got farm-fresh eggs today at work. Very exciting.

Turkey and about 3 variety of chicken, cannot wait for my morning scramble. We were alloted 4 each, but I built a pyramid scheme wherein I ended up with almost a dozen.

I could not be more excited. Here's a blue egg from one of the Araucana Hens. I know you can’t see in the pic but they are gorgeous.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

le sigh*

As you know, I kinda like me some Goldblum , so my brother sent this to me all the way from stinky France, it's a clip of the lovable, ever-intriguing, uber masculine, Jeff G. Feast your ears on this jewel:

Friday, May 9, 2008


My adorable brother...kind of weird that there are NO other people or cars, but hey, he's still cute. Nice hair, eh?!

Check out his photos on flickr...(click here)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Le Petit Prince

I could not be more happy for the kid. Seriously, I see his pictures and I am thrilled that he's having such a good time.

check out his trip....

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dirty Thirty

My lovely friend Anne had her 30th birthday on Thursday in CT. I trained it after work (yes, to train I a verb) to the good ‘ole 06830, and then to Rowayton to dine in high style with the ladies.

We were a tad late due to unavoidable traffic and lack of a GPS, but we made it and celebrated the glory that is Anne.

There was one weird thing though. AMF ordered her lobster without the shell (see below) and it looked less appetizing than I had imagined. It was like looking at chum before you go fishing, this sad wimpy pile of lobster meat, assembled on the plate to look like the majestic (ok, that was a stretch) creature it had once been.

It tasted good, but since have the work was taken away with the shell, it didn’t seem as satisfying. Also…please note: there is a LOT of meat in the legs and the tail, not to mention the TAMALE inside the top of the body.

Seemed kinda sad that no one needs to open their own lobsters anymore. Maybe they can take my dinner and chew it for me first, that way I don’t need to do anything other then pay.

Wonderful time was had by all, happy to have been there. Welcome to the club lovely…xoxo Gossip Girl (just kidding)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Le Bro

I’ve waxed on before about my love for my little brother, so I wont do it again in this post. It was almost a week ago that he left the safety of the 06830 and headed to gay ParieĆ©. (Sorry, couldn’t help it).

Seriously, this is the adventure of a lifetime and I am jealous and thrilled that he’ll have the opportunity to see things on his own and on his own terms. This has been a long time coming and Roy and I were thrilled to see him off. My parents on the other hand, could not have been less happy.

It was kind of funny, actually.

We had a last supper—local parent time it was approximately 5pm—at one of our favorite childhood places, Abis. We ordered the same meals we had for years, thrilled Roy and Melinda with our apparent lack of table manners, and consumed our weight in ginger dressing (as is tradition).

I documented the contents of Aaron’s last meal, naturally.
le garden salad (notice the ginger dressing)

le habatchi steak (once again with ginger dressing)

le sushi (was dipped into ginger dressing)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Moving on.

Had a bit of an exciting time, this past weekend.

I moved out of my bachelorette pad, took off the training wheels and am not looking back.
Packing up and getting things ready was something I procrastinated doing for ever. I moved on Monday and didn’t start packing until Sunday.
Roy and I taped, packed, labeled and reminisced. This was after all, where we met and shared first meals, kisses (outside the front awning Dad), etc. We were totally different people then in a way, and it was nice to think about how far we’d come.

I used Flat Rate movers after much research and many quotes. They were amazing. I have to say, it went so smoothly and they were so accommodating, it was incredible.

In addition, I have to give props to Westy’s in Stamford. Storing my stuff there was easy and the facilities were high tech and clean. It was like the starship enterprise. No, really. I was lost at a certain point and an intercom told me where to go. It was great.

I am very happy to be moving on from my old digs, but it was sad for a bit, and I did cry on more than one occasion.

The day ended splendidly, with backgammon at my parents' house and dinner with my family. Not bad actually as far as moves go.

But I am ok now, am looking ahead and never back.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

To a crisp.

Yeah, so while I was at work and then at the grocery store BURNED DOWN. It was the weirdest thing, I was headed there tonight for some milk and *poof* it was dunzo.

I mean, I am really happy to know that all the employees are well and safe. I mean it, good that they got out.

But the real me is kinda thrilled. Seriously, now I can safely say I am safe as well...from a terrible store. Old fruit, expired milk and dusty allergy medicine boxes were part of my daily existence, but not any more.

I am sure that they'll reopen in a month, just as stale as before. But here's hoping that another, CLEANER store will go in there.

Monday, March 31, 2008


So on Saturday I went to the gym with my dear friend Brady, for what she assured me would an incredible workout. I believe the direct quote was, "your body really transforms," and I was sold.

Well, as sold as you can be for a class called "total body" that starts before 9:30 on Saturday morning.

I have to get up at 8 to get there by 8:30 and get a spot next to my buddy, so I suck it up and roll out of bed. Looking very much forward to transforming the 'ole bod. It was not until I got there that she pointed out that I would most likely NOT.BE.ABLE.TO.WALK the next day. Foolishly undeterred, I didn't run, and never afraid of a challenge...I stayed.

Class was f*cking hard. I am sorry, but they need to call that "You will want to die" class or "The burning in your lower body/abs/arms will make you want to no longer breathe oxygen", it was rough. Also, since I am not the most flexible person (at least in that room) it was doubly tough.

But, just as she says in her blog I was floating on air after the class. Walked home and took a nap. BUT...BUT today!? Forget it.

I am walking around like I'm 128 years old. It takes me 3 minutes to sit down, and forget about getting up. I have to hold onto railings walking down stairs...

But, you better believe that I will be going back next Saturday.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Eggstra large



I went to the Union Square Greenmarket today to pick up some fresh eggs, milk and veggies. I bought the egg-stra large (been on an omlette kick lately) at Knoll Krest Farm and grabbed some milk at Ronny Brook Farm.



Not only are they fresh--they're animals actually RUN AROUND and eat GRASS--but they are really delicious. The eggs will be consumed in the morning, with some fresh farmer's cheese, sliced avocado and toasted Turkish flat bread. Tonight is reserved for the Salmon I found at Chelsea Market, and some crunchy bok choy with ginger, and lentils with garlic and bay leaves.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Baby you can drive my car...

Saw my lovely Maureen last night. We had our usual (although lately, not so usual) Thursday night date. Mani/Pedis followed by drinks and tapas at Le Zie Trattoria in my old hood.

We had our favorite drinks some dinnerish veggie food and literally laughed our heads off. Maybe it was the hair malfunction, maybe it was the bartender, can't be sure.

Probably was the hair malfunction. (It was good, so good that I think I managed to get 4 or 5 photos of it, but I promised not to post them....but they were FOXY)

I hadn’t really seen her in a few weeks and it was like an afternoon in the sun. She’s such a wonderful friend and such a riot, that soon, we were making such a scene that people were starting to stare .

Once we left I conned Moe in to walking me to the subway and we came across this dude with a FULL OFFICE in his car. There were plants, flat screen monitors, a fax machine (which he was using), coffee mugs, etc. He was wearing a button-down shirt and a tie and I have to tell you, of all the things I’ve seen in this city (and even at the Whitney last weekend) this was one of the coolest.

It was so weird to see this. The guy seemed totally oblivious to the people starting to gather and was faxing, typing and going about his business.

Kinda awesome, if you think about it. There are some pretty creative people out there.

Great night, Thanks M.