Monday, March 31, 2008


So on Saturday I went to the gym with my dear friend Brady, for what she assured me would an incredible workout. I believe the direct quote was, "your body really transforms," and I was sold.

Well, as sold as you can be for a class called "total body" that starts before 9:30 on Saturday morning.

I have to get up at 8 to get there by 8:30 and get a spot next to my buddy, so I suck it up and roll out of bed. Looking very much forward to transforming the 'ole bod. It was not until I got there that she pointed out that I would most likely NOT.BE.ABLE.TO.WALK the next day. Foolishly undeterred, I didn't run, and never afraid of a challenge...I stayed.

Class was f*cking hard. I am sorry, but they need to call that "You will want to die" class or "The burning in your lower body/abs/arms will make you want to no longer breathe oxygen", it was rough. Also, since I am not the most flexible person (at least in that room) it was doubly tough.

But, just as she says in her blog I was floating on air after the class. Walked home and took a nap. BUT...BUT today!? Forget it.

I am walking around like I'm 128 years old. It takes me 3 minutes to sit down, and forget about getting up. I have to hold onto railings walking down stairs...

But, you better believe that I will be going back next Saturday.


Keren said...

128? i thought your new strut was more like a 98 year old's. so proud of you, now come bike with me!

Aaron Joseph said...

this is the funniest thing I've read so far bear, totally amazing what you will do.