Thursday, March 13, 2008

Aging gracefully

A few days into my new age, I’ve decided it’s not so bad.

My birthday dinner was more elegant and delicious than I could have ever imagined. I felt like a princess eating across from Roy that night.

The restaurant was amazing. There were more waiters than diners and I felt like I was in a Vermeer painting. The colors were so rich, and I know this sounds kind of nuts, but the only other way I can describe the flavors is to say that I felt like a judge on Iron Chef. Every gram was measured and every flavor used to its utmost potential.

The weekend of my birthday was like a private vacation. It was peaceful and remote and perfect. There were movies, long walks, romantic brunches (a la Roy) and simply happiness.

(my brunch)

(my stroll)

Thank you everyone for your calls and emails, I savored every one.

I have the house all to myself this weekend, so am looking forward to another peaceful weekend, this one focusing mainly on “chick flicks”, long walks, late brunches with the ladies and sadly unavoidable trips to the gym.

This new age might be more fun than I thought, sure is starting out pretty well.

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