Saturday, September 27, 2008


(a photo from 3 years ago, but you get the general idea...yes?)

After what has been a rather tumultuous few months, I am completely at peace. Things tend to get a little out of your control once in a while, blogs go unwritten, friends' emails unanswered, and for that I apologize.
I am missing a lot, I know. Trader Joe's opened in Brooklyn Heights (sorry Sahadi's), Sarah Palin was interviewed by Katie Couric (some might say horrifically), my least favorite Iranian was at the UN, people in cubicles (no telling where) obsessed over minutia.
I will post more when I can upload all of my photos. Roy and I got back from a road trip to Maine and Nova Scotia not too long ago, so I will start with those.
For today, you'll have to make due with this slightly (read VERY) old photo. Doin' the same stuff, just with slightly shorter hair.