Monday, March 31, 2008


So on Saturday I went to the gym with my dear friend Brady, for what she assured me would an incredible workout. I believe the direct quote was, "your body really transforms," and I was sold.

Well, as sold as you can be for a class called "total body" that starts before 9:30 on Saturday morning.

I have to get up at 8 to get there by 8:30 and get a spot next to my buddy, so I suck it up and roll out of bed. Looking very much forward to transforming the 'ole bod. It was not until I got there that she pointed out that I would most likely NOT.BE.ABLE.TO.WALK the next day. Foolishly undeterred, I didn't run, and never afraid of a challenge...I stayed.

Class was f*cking hard. I am sorry, but they need to call that "You will want to die" class or "The burning in your lower body/abs/arms will make you want to no longer breathe oxygen", it was rough. Also, since I am not the most flexible person (at least in that room) it was doubly tough.

But, just as she says in her blog I was floating on air after the class. Walked home and took a nap. BUT...BUT today!? Forget it.

I am walking around like I'm 128 years old. It takes me 3 minutes to sit down, and forget about getting up. I have to hold onto railings walking down stairs...

But, you better believe that I will be going back next Saturday.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Eggstra large



I went to the Union Square Greenmarket today to pick up some fresh eggs, milk and veggies. I bought the egg-stra large (been on an omlette kick lately) at Knoll Krest Farm and grabbed some milk at Ronny Brook Farm.



Not only are they fresh--they're animals actually RUN AROUND and eat GRASS--but they are really delicious. The eggs will be consumed in the morning, with some fresh farmer's cheese, sliced avocado and toasted Turkish flat bread. Tonight is reserved for the Salmon I found at Chelsea Market, and some crunchy bok choy with ginger, and lentils with garlic and bay leaves.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Baby you can drive my car...

Saw my lovely Maureen last night. We had our usual (although lately, not so usual) Thursday night date. Mani/Pedis followed by drinks and tapas at Le Zie Trattoria in my old hood.

We had our favorite drinks some dinnerish veggie food and literally laughed our heads off. Maybe it was the hair malfunction, maybe it was the bartender, can't be sure.

Probably was the hair malfunction. (It was good, so good that I think I managed to get 4 or 5 photos of it, but I promised not to post them....but they were FOXY)

I hadn’t really seen her in a few weeks and it was like an afternoon in the sun. She’s such a wonderful friend and such a riot, that soon, we were making such a scene that people were starting to stare .

Once we left I conned Moe in to walking me to the subway and we came across this dude with a FULL OFFICE in his car. There were plants, flat screen monitors, a fax machine (which he was using), coffee mugs, etc. He was wearing a button-down shirt and a tie and I have to tell you, of all the things I’ve seen in this city (and even at the Whitney last weekend) this was one of the coolest.

It was so weird to see this. The guy seemed totally oblivious to the people starting to gather and was faxing, typing and going about his business.

Kinda awesome, if you think about it. There are some pretty creative people out there.

Great night, Thanks M.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

dream home

Flipping through Vogue Living (Australia) and found what I've now named, "my house." It in no way is, or could be in the foreseeable future, but it's gorgeous.

What I like about it is it's simple elegance. It's completely luxurious in a totally (seemingly) accessible way.

It belongs to an Australian painter, Marcella Kaspar, and I admire her restraint.

The images show a home that's innovative, peaceful and clean. She's used her space well and not been too greedy with it. Opening up the center of her home to a pool and some Frangipani trees is a beautiful surprise.


someday, these will be pictures of my real house....maybe.

Aging gracefully

A few days into my new age, I’ve decided it’s not so bad.

My birthday dinner was more elegant and delicious than I could have ever imagined. I felt like a princess eating across from Roy that night.

The restaurant was amazing. There were more waiters than diners and I felt like I was in a Vermeer painting. The colors were so rich, and I know this sounds kind of nuts, but the only other way I can describe the flavors is to say that I felt like a judge on Iron Chef. Every gram was measured and every flavor used to its utmost potential.

The weekend of my birthday was like a private vacation. It was peaceful and remote and perfect. There were movies, long walks, romantic brunches (a la Roy) and simply happiness.

(my brunch)

(my stroll)

Thank you everyone for your calls and emails, I savored every one.

I have the house all to myself this weekend, so am looking forward to another peaceful weekend, this one focusing mainly on “chick flicks”, long walks, late brunches with the ladies and sadly unavoidable trips to the gym.

This new age might be more fun than I thought, sure is starting out pretty well.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Might have mentioned earlier that HC wants to have Barack as her Vice President (quite a sad act of DESPERATION...pulling out all the stops, huh Hill?), well, here's Barack's response:

(read response here)

It is, of course, lovely.

Apple of my eye

Proud to introduce to you the dark and handsome stranger who’s been occupying much of my time as of late, and frankly, all of my lap:

…am in love.

(To be fair, this is my first computer since 1997 so it’s very exciting not to have to use a MODEM to dial-up. I am extremely grateful, and very excited.)

toda motek, ze mashoo, toda raba.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Old as dirt...

...and not the television show DIRT (which is awesome), cause that's pretty damn new.

unlike yours truly.

Today I share my birthday with the Barbie Doll in 1959 and the Ford Mustang in 1964. Yeah, that's some uplifting news. Nothin' says YOUNG like sharing your birthday with things people collect.


Anyway, welcome to the morning of my birthday.

I had one of the most magical, romantic nights (will post pictures later), and am headed to the Whitney Biennial.

Counting my blessings* and feeling pretty lucky.

More later, stay tuned.

*also counting my WRINKLES, thanks Lida for the "rejuvenating" cream.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Come, you spirits, That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty!" (MACBETH, 1, 5)

Here’s the thing. She won 3 states. 3 big states.


In the face of having her as president or McCain, uuuuhhh, who do you think people will choose?

She is now saying that perhaps she’ll put Obama on her ticket if/when she wins.

(I just threw up a little in my mouth typing that)

Does that not tell you EVERYTHING people? She will do WHATEVER it takes to win?! She will make you think you might get Obama after all, since she’s certain she’s just squeaking by.

Whatever your predisposition, please watch this video. It is very powerful and important to pass on.

(click here)