Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Moving on.

Had a bit of an exciting time, this past weekend.

I moved out of my bachelorette pad, took off the training wheels and am not looking back.
Packing up and getting things ready was something I procrastinated doing for ever. I moved on Monday and didn’t start packing until Sunday.
Roy and I taped, packed, labeled and reminisced. This was after all, where we met and shared first meals, kisses (outside the front awning Dad), etc. We were totally different people then in a way, and it was nice to think about how far we’d come.

I used Flat Rate movers after much research and many quotes. They were amazing. I have to say, it went so smoothly and they were so accommodating, it was incredible.

In addition, I have to give props to Westy’s in Stamford. Storing my stuff there was easy and the facilities were high tech and clean. It was like the starship enterprise. No, really. I was lost at a certain point and an intercom told me where to go. It was great.

I am very happy to be moving on from my old digs, but it was sad for a bit, and I did cry on more than one occasion.

The day ended splendidly, with backgammon at my parents' house and dinner with my family. Not bad actually as far as moves go.

But I am ok now, am looking ahead and never back.

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