Sunday, November 25, 2007

Gobble Gobble

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Nothing says happy Sarah like a federal holiday dedicated to eating, eating, fighting with your family and then some more eating thrown in for good measure.

This year I felt especially blessed to have Heather join us and of course, Roy. Roy has since become a convert of Turkey, so he mentioned. Before Thursday he was pacing, hemming and hawing about how dry and bland turkey is...."just you wait Henry Higgins" I explained to him, there's no bland anything at my parents' house.

It was our first Thanksgiving together, (since last year we went to Amsterdam in a flurry of last minute planning) I was thrilled to share it with him, as well as sweet and adorable Heather.

There were a bunch of people at my parents' house and I made introductions, ate some turkey, tons of stuffing and drank my fair share of wine. My 93 year old grandmother opted for Heineken.

That night I drove the troops to the train and prepared to drive up to Rhode Island to see my cousins. Roy had to work on Friday--BLAST!--and Heather's a little too young and impressionable to meet all my family in one sitting. Besides, I LOVE me some RI and was so excited to be heading up.

My drive was fast early Friday morning, it's usually something I really detest. It's about 158 miles, which isn't so bad. BUT for about 60% of it, there is only a 2 lane road which is basically a crap shoot with regards to traffic.

My time with my cousins was amazing--albeit short--and I took tons of pictures (which I am sure annoyed the living POOP out of them.

Basically, my Thanksgiving was amazing. Really, it was. There were some fights, lots of drinking, some driving, and a ton of food.

A TON of food.

*am still eating it, by the by, and couldn't be HAPPIER. Me likey Thanksgiving, me likey MUCHO.

Roy now LOVES turkey, good thing too because I often happen to be one.

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