Wednesday, September 26, 2007

early morning tales of foolish ambition

After 2 weeks of gorging myself, I have restarted my exercise routine.


This morning I went for a run at 530 (my internal clock has not readjusted itself and so I am WIDE. AWAKE. AT. 4AM.) It was nice, a little chilly and very quiet.

It wasn’t until I got back to Poplar that I realized that my teeny (I thought no one will see them) undergarments were sticking out of the top of my shorts like a little whale tail.

So all those stares in my direction on the Brooklyn Bridge this morning, they weren’t silent encouragements, as I had assumed, they were early morning gawkers—at my protruding white arse.

Quite a way to announce to the neighborhood that I'm back in town.

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