Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ce soir ou Jamais

(picture courtesy of CLAUDETTE BARIUS / HBO)

Saw me some Jeremy Piven last night at this event at MoMa.

Learned a few things too:

1. JP is super short
2. Also super HOT
3. Food tastes better bite-sized (Sm'ores, Tater Tots, Grilled Cheese)
4. Brady hasn't lost her wingman status
5. Vince is a lot funnier when I've had some (A. LOT.) of wine.
6. Even when food is miniature, women in fashion will still not eat it all.
7. Stuffing your face with tiny apple pies is neither attractive nor really inconspicuous.
8. Stilettos hurt
9. Jeremy Piven does not like being followed around at an event
10. Neither does his publicist, on his behalf.
11. Chasing is made harder by said stilettos.

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