Sunday, July 1, 2007

'da bridge and tunnel club

yes, it's true. i am now officially b+t (bridge and tunnel to those of your not from the tri-state area). the move is over and the unpacking and cleaning, folding, vacuuming and "do you really think we need this" is in full-effect. took a walk in the new hood yesterday with roy (took this pic) and took a deep breath of the fresh brooklyn air. it's actually quite lovely here, civilized and clean...ish.

how bad could a place where "The Cosby Show" took place be?

my point exactly.

now i can stick my tongue out at all those stuck up manhattanites across the BEAUTIFUL brooklyn bridge just outside my bedroom window--even though this is the manhattan bridge, you get the idea.

of course, we'll be buying window treatments this week.

1 comment:

Megan said...

oh my god. am i really reading this? you're going to make fun of the manhattanites?!? wait, wait - there's a pig flying outside my window!!!!