Wednesday, July 25, 2007

little rhodie...

so i just got back from rhode island.
some may think of it
as "that state between massachusetts and connecticut", the place where people talk funny, or the setting for Family Guy--but there's so much MORE! a large portion of my family resides there and i happen to love it. the combination of sea, great food and funny accents gets me every time--(see israel, england as some of other faves).

i went for a week of relaxation before fashion week starts and completely consumes me like an olsen twin on free starbucks day. i went for the sun, sand, family, babies and LOBSTAH!

...did i mention there was LOBSTAH?!

but, yes, that's right. for those of you who know me, i did say BABIES...this may be shocking but yes 'tis true.
my cousin ali just had (ok, 6 months ago) the third installment of her family and i love those kids. they're adorable little geniuses who also happen to be crazy about me.

i spent a week in her shoes, literally...she bought me a pair. and we chatted, gossiped and had fun. i saw my uncle and aunt and my cousins, played tennis, went to the *GASP* gym, and was able to relax.

BUT, i did learn a few things:
  • smart, cute kids sometimes have not cute or funny things to say--don't let it upset you!
  • lobsters taste better after a boat ride
  • if you don't drink alcohol two nights in a row, people will ask why...ALOT
  • some babies just never cry
  • hearing a 4 year old sing karen carpenter might be the most adorable thing i've ever heard
  • it's ok to purell your hands 1,000 times a day
  • hydrangeas are more beautiful when you steal them from your aunt's yard
  • leaping across a clay tennis court and wiping out at a fancy country club is only cool if you're martina hingis
  • sometimes kids pee when you make them laugh too hard
  • sometimes you just gotta pee back
basically, i saw ali in a whole new light. it was like trying to keep up with a tri-athlete. no chance. she's got it down and it kicked my ass.

ali=3 sarah=0 (and that's ok by me)

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