Thursday, October 11, 2007

liar, liar, pants on fire



So dump-my-husband-of-one-week-so-I-can-marry-a-millionaire, Jessica Seinfeld, has come out with a book about lying to your children.

Maybe not directly.

But her new book which has the word DECEPTIVE in the title, is about how you get your picky kids to eat veggies. She has recipes for brownies with pureed carrots and spinach in them but the rest of the ingredients are still brownie ingredients. SO, if you want your kids to eat their normal required amount of veggies, they will also be consuming about 8 brownies, well done JS.

Also, the recipe literally says that you have to wait for the brownie to cool so they won’t taste like veggies.

There are so many things wrong with this book. In this world of catering to pint-sized princes and princesses it seems silly to be feeding your kids crap laced with health. Just give them dinner, if they don’t like it, they don’t eat. What is so hard about that?

Obviously this book is going to do well, it’s for lazy people. It’s for the same people who buy diet pills because they don’t want to exercise or stop eating Twinkies, or those electro magnetic thingies that will zap you into shape. These same people would probably call the number on TV for “make a million dollars a week AND find your soulmate without leaving your house!”


You cook, they eat. They don’t like it, then you figure shit out. You DO NOT make them a chocolate cake with beets in it, to trick them.

Quite a role model.


Anonymous said...

I usually put duck sauce on the veggies to sweeten them up. They likee. Or I threaten a visit from Mr. Beelzebub (scary Satan voice) if they don't eat what I've been rockin' in the wok. Nice to see the former Mrs. Nederlander is using her time "wisely".

Anonymous said...

Not to say I LIKE the book nor that your points aren't valid, BUT it's best to hand out such sage advice AFTER you try to get your 2 year-old to eat anything for the sixth meal in a row. Sometimes, even brownies get rejected. Odd but true.

sarah emily said...

I totally hear you, and most likely am not fit to be giving on advice on something with which I am not familiar, BUT...I grew up in a house without sugar where we were invited to try foods (at least once). I just think that kids get away with too much these days, and seem to be running the show a bit too much.