Friday, February 22, 2008

Let it snow.

Let me get it out of the way that I am deliriously happy. This morning when I heard the SCREEEEECHING of the snow plowing making my blood curdle, it was nice to see that the streets were indeed covered in white.

I jumped out of bed, thrilled that I could wear my GIANT SORREL boots and headed to work.
While solemn New Yorkers trudged single file through the shoveled parts of the sidewalk, I leaped and kicked snow in every direction. My smile was ear to ear.
I am not sure what it is about the snow that makes me into such a weirdo. But, I must have been a Polar Bear in a former life. I wait all year for days like this.

I am beyond happy.

One point of information though....

An open letter to whomever out there likes to use an UMBRELLA in the snow, a note from little ‘ole me:

YOU LOOK RETARDED…IT”S SNOW, IT FALLS EVERY WHICH WAY. LOSE THE UMBRELLA. And if you’re a guy with an umbrella in the snow, buddy, there’s not much more I can say besides—grow a pair.


That’s all.

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