Friday, May 18, 2007


jack is a beautiful smoke blue/gray Siberian, who was found roaming wild in Brooklyn. he has since been rescued from Bay Ridge, neutered, house-trained and has become more docile and friendly. but lest we forget his name is jack. as in JACK THE RIPPER.

let it be said at once, that i've never really been a cat person. i was violently allergic as a child and was always more into a pet that was hopelessly devoted instead of couldn't be bothered.

since we've met, jack and i have had a tempestuous relationship at best. he's vomited at my feet, tripped me, purposely covered my black pants in gray fur and walked all over me while i tried to sleep off a hangover (no idea how he knows, but it's like a 6th sense). i in turn have chased him around the apartment singing like a banshee, put deodorant on his paws, fed him cottage cheese, olives, bologna, capers, thai noodles, carrots and beer (might be where the vomit originated).

but a few months ago, roy went to Israel for two weeks and we were forced to get along. we've gotten to know each other a bit more since then and have learned alot.

i now know:

  • jack does not like to be chased
  • jack does not like thai noodles--(frankly i was shocked)
  • jack prefers water to beer
  • jack likes to eat cat nip more then i like to drink beer
  • jack will walk on me, when he wants to because he wants to
  • jack's fur is attached to his body and does not like to be brushed or detached in any way
  • jack's nails are in fact CLAWS and they should not be painted, but feared
  • jack is starting to like me

jack now knows:

  • whatever he wants to know

last night we watched Legally Blonde together and he sat on the couch behind my shoulder, snuggled up to the back of my neck and proceeded to chew a week old mini carrot like it was a little bone. messy but cute.

he's a cat not a puppy...he's a cat not a puppy.

one day at a time.

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